Empowering Nonprofits Through Data

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Data Visualization + Evaluation Findings = Effective Reporting

November 2nd, 2018

Visualizing Data

How I write program evaluation reports has evolved over the years. Text and tables is what I was taught, with lots and lots of details – resulting in lots and lots of pages.

Fast forward a few years.

I still write the traditional technical report, with a little more visualization than in the past. I also write/design an impact report collaboratively with the client. As a part of communicating the findings publicly, we pull important data, how they will use the data, and integrate visualizations throughout. (shout out to @Evergreendata for teaching me the visual ways).

I am not a graphic designer. I create a design concept; placing the content in tables with lot of design notes. Such as ‘put a bubble graph here’ and ‘place a photo of a manufactured home park here’. I also share the client’s logo and brand colors, to ensure the stakeholder report reflects the organization.

We are currently doing a project with The Meyer Memorial Trust (MMT) to conduct a cross-site evaluation of MMT’s Affordable Housing Initiative (AHI) Manufactured Home Repair Program (MHRP). This year one impact report summarizes year one findings, including participation, outcomes, overall impact, successes and challenges in 8 visual pages.

Download the Report

Upcoming Event: Logic Model Workshop

Join me on Tuesday, February 5, 8:30 – 10am for an interactive workshop on logic models. Hosted by WVDO.  


Some of my favorite resources when it comes to reporting writing and/or data viz.


Innovative Evaluation Reporting

Evaluation Mini-Guide Series: Data analysis and Reporting.


Presenting Data Effectively

-Stephanie Evergreen

Now we have an amazing way to measure the physical, emotional, and mental effects of our programs...

Chari accurately captured the fundamental goals and mission of our organization and transformed our input into a clear evaluation process that helps us assess the impact of our programs on the lives of the families that we serve. Now we have an amazing way to measure the physical, emotional, and mental effects of our programs and to guide change, ensuring that we are delivering services in the most effective way possible.

Brandi Tuck, Executive Director, Portland Homeless Family Solutions

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